Arizona Public Records Archive

How to request public records in Arizona

Info RequestArizona, like most states, has adopted a set of laws that grant public access to most records and data collected by government officers or a public body. Public bodies include any board, branch, commission, committee or council in a state, county, city or town level governing role as well as school districts, political subdivisions or special taxing districts. Arizona law allows that “any person” be able to request information for any purpose including commercial use so long as it is not shown to be misused. Any record that can be legally examined, can also be copied and distributed. If stated at the time of request that the record will be used for commercial reasons, businesses and organizations may use the information for profit or service.

School public records available for free in Deer Valley, AZ

FreeAnyone looking to process a public records request better not be going through the Deer Valley Unified School District unless they’re ready to pay up. At least, that was the deal until earlier this week, when The Goldwater Institute, a think tank based out of Phoenix, decided to challenge the Deer Valley, AZ based school district over its pricing on public records requests.

Arizona Sheriff goes after presidential birth records

medical-chartAll too often people find themselves flip flopping on an issue, vocally cheering for rights and liberties one day and demanding government to enact radical law change to restrict those same ideas the next. Proponents for lower government spending, less intervention and more personal freedom have often found themselves at the collection dish when the fed starting handing out cash or services. I won’t even get started with civil liberties issue with military arrests or immigration. Can or will that happen with when it comes to public records and information for the people.